There was a reason why Willy Wonka’s dad never allowed him to eat any chocolates as it was a potential risk for his teeth,but you don’t need to leave your house for it like he did. Keeping our body healthy is our utmost priority in any environment that can be harmful to us. Adults are not immune to dental problems and brushing our teeth every morning and night doesn’t guarantee the required attention it needs. To be aware of the technique and the methods is the first step you need, we have narrowed down some of the important methods you need to know.
1. Brushing Technique
2. The Right type of Brush
3. Choose the right Toothpaste
4. Floss Properly
5. Use Mouthwash
6. Avoid/Limit Carbonated drinks
7. Regular Check-ups
8. Never neglect your tongue
9. Drink water
10. Right food